【動画】 カワウソが石ジャグリングの天才だって知ってた?について
1: ドラゴンスクリュー(栃木県)@\(^o^)/ [US]:2017/04/17(月) 15:38:22.94 ID:EDYBImdm0
Otter hurt by fishing hook at Marina BaySINGAPORE - Another otter has been injured by an errant fishing hook - this time in the Marina Bay area.
The otter, believed to be part of the famous "Bishan 13" family, was spotted limping badly as it had the hook caught in its right front paw.
A frequent otter watcher, who declined to be named, told The Straits Times he had been observing the otters at Marina Bay over the weekend.
【動画】 カワウソが石ジャグリングの天才だって知ってた?